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TMOTOR PACER V3 P2207 Powerful Freestyle Brushless Motor

$19.90 USD $23.90 USD Save $4.00 USD
1 year warranty of official direct after-sales maintenance.
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The TMOTOR PACER V3 P2207 Powerful Freestyle Motor has become one of the most popular motors in the market.

TMOTOR has updated and upgraded their Pacer motor to V3!

The 2207 version of the Pacer V3 has improved components and a unibell design to give your freestyle quadcopter extreme power.

This motor features a high throttle for precious control and is suitable when flying in bigger spaces!

Unique Point

  • Great for Freestyle Flights
  • Improved V3 Pacer Motor
  • Unibell Design
  • High Throttle





TMOTOR PACER V3 P2207 Powerful Freestyle Brushless Motor Brushless Motor T-MOTOR 1750 TMOTOR PACER V3 P2207 Powerful Freestyle Brushless Motor Brushless Motor T-MOTOR TMOTOR PACER V3 P2207 Powerful Freestyle Brushless Motor Brushless Motor T-MOTOR

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