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MultiGP IO World Cup event news | T-MOTOR cooperative team won first and second place

May 16, 2024 T-Motor

Event victory news

2023 MultiGP International Open



From June 28 to July 2, 2023, the MultiGP International Open, which has attracted much attention from the travel industry, will be held in Indiana, USA.

Among them, the most important World Cup finals has a total of 64 participating pilots.


After fierce competition, the T-MOTOR cooperative team won the first and second place in this international competition, among which Yuki FPV (TEAM RAIDEN) won the championship.

Thomas Bitmatta (TEAM BRIDE) won the second place and chose his co-branded motor (BMS V2 2000KV motor) as always in the competition




Player awards display



Highlights of flight



Wonderful capture of the scene

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